I can’t tell you how many people will read this wanting to take a short cut into the world of witchcraft. I’m going to tell you that there isn’t one. But I will tell you this:
There is a basic formula to making spells work.
First, you’ll read over and over again that your intent needs to be clean and clear. Yes, this is very true. Imagine that your first ingredient to your spell is water (the water represents your overall health). If you are murky in any parts of your life, your spell work will also be murky. Here is why:
The energy we give off is the first catalyst to making anything we want happen.
Give that a thought.
I mean, that makes sense, right? Even just in how you talk. If you are in pain, or hungry (upsetting a ease in your existence), then how you behave is affected by how you feel. And if your tone isn’t a clear intention to what you want, then your intent is murky.
In other words, your WHOLE self needs to be intact and healthy before even attempting spell work.

I tell all of my students this: End your toxic relationships, fill you time back up with giving ones. If you are toxic, start new habits and stop taking from other people because even you wont function requiring people to “need” you. Go to therapy. Learn something every day.
Get off of social media so much! Comparing yourself to the world online is bad for your mental health. You wont ever make it to the facade that is social media. Be living in the life you have and make it the life you want. Focus on that, not others’ posts.
Get creative. Take a dance class. Sing. Paint. Cross-stitch. However you do it, creativity helps fight depression.
Guys, exercise! It doesn’t mean you have to climb a mountain. In America, it’s always a “all or nothing” mentality. You don’t have to join CrossFit in order to check this box. Just move! Learn what your limits are, and give them a nudge. There are so many things you could do to fulfill this requirement. Just move.
Eat more vegetables. You need vitamins. I’m not a vegetarian or vegan. I very much believe in the power of meat. But your body is a temple, and you get to decide what goes in it. Again, there are so many options out there. It should make you feel good and fulfill the proteins, carbs, and fats (and vitamins) needed for your diet. Also, if the only way you are feeling good is to over-indulge in food, go back to mind health.
You should not be over-indulging in anything for your body to ‘feel’ good, or to prevent it from feeling. Stop destroying your ride.
Get enough sleep, and make it good sleep.
Drink more water
Become or reconnect with something greater than yourself. Yes, it’s that simple. Being the end all of your reality can be overwhelming. Reaching out to a mother or father on a spiritual plane helps build your self-worth.
Socialization is an important part of keeping yourself healthy. It can be with one person, on a facetime date, or you can do a watch party. Either way, no man is an island. Islands are islands. People are social. Find someone to be social with in a healthy and consent-full way. Build up your tribe and your support system.
Are all the boxes checked?
Then your water should be clear and its time to get down to spell casting!