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Our Book of Spells
Cheaper than an order on amazon and we have actually used the spells
Updated weekly, have access to our book of spells. These spells are categorized and added to by our Headmaster. You can spend hundreds of dollars on books wondering if any of those spells are going to work, or you can pay $29.99 a month (you spend more than that on coffee) and have spells that work!


Jenny Feywood
Feb 12 min read
February Kitchen Witchery: Lucky in Love Chili
February is a month of love, romance, and connection- so spice things up with some kitchen witchery! This chili recipe is designed to...
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Aly Cardinalli
Nov 2, 20244 min read
Embracing Cultural Wisdom: My Standard Guide to Modern Witchcraft for the Eclectic Witch in the New Year
As we enter the "Witch New Year," it's a perfect moment to reflect on the valuable wisdom that cultures have shared throughout history....
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Aly Cardinalli
Dec 30, 20232 min read
Harnessing the Power of New Year's Resolutions for Witches
As the wheel of the year turns, witches embrace the opportunity for personal growth and transformation. While many people set New Year's...
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Aly Cardinalli
Sep 26, 20232 min read
The Power of Balance: Why Love and Light Witches Should Study Dark Magic
In the realm of witchcraft and spirituality, the concepts of light and dark magic have long been debated.
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Aly Cardinalli
Sep 22, 20232 min read
The Damaging Side of the Spiritual Community's Vibration Obsession: Unmasking Toxic Positivity
In recent years, the spiritual community has been swept away by an overwhelming obsession with raising vibrations. While the desire for...
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Aly Cardinalli
Sep 5, 20231 min read
How do you know if you've been hexed?
* Random physical pain * Lethargic, mental cloudiness, fatigue for no real reason * Vivid nightmares * Little accidents pile up. *...
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Aly Cardinalli
Apr 21, 20234 min read
Spiritual Bypassing, Confirmation Bias, and Being a Bad Psychic
Spiritual bypassing is a concept that refers to the use of spiritual practices and beliefs to avoid facing emotional or psychological...
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Ms. Val
Mar 16, 20234 min read
What is Polyamory and Ethical Monogamy
Have you ever fallen in love with multiple people at the same time? Or have you ever felt attracted to another person while you were in a...
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Aly Cardinalli
Jan 2, 20234 min read
9 Self Care Ideas That Don’t Obscure Your Life
Right now, we are in the middle of the global pandemic of Covid-19, and during it, people are on high alert. Maybe its because of the...
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Aly Cardinalli
Dec 10, 20223 min read
Home for the Holidays
December and the holidays are a universal time to be with family. For me it is truly one of the most wonderful times of year as a mother...
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Aly Cardinalli
Jan 5, 20211 min read
Life Balance Wheel and Test
Here is an assessment to see how balanced your life is. Most assessments will separate spirituality. But did you know the Hawaiians...
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Aly Cardinalli
May 14, 20203 min read
Spell Casting, pt 1: Self-Care is the only way to make your spells work
I can’t tell you how many people will read this wanting to take a short cut into the world of witchcraft. I’m going to tell you that...
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